Perfectly Imperfect
The Perfectly Imperfect collection consists of bags that didn't pass our very picky quality control check.
All imperfections are purely cosmetic and may include small scratches on the hardware, uneven or exposed stitching, extra or missing pieces on the silicone Renkon logo, or a combination of the above.
Our team is probably too careful, and most people wouldn't be able to notice these imperfections, but we felt that these bags didn't 100% reflect the product photography. Therefore, we didn't want to disappoint or cause unnecessary product returns and the environmental impact of needless shipping back and forth.
By purchasing a perfectly imperfect bag, you not only enjoy a reduced price of 50% off but also help us and the world minimize waste and landfill impact.
Perfectly Imperfect Bags are final sale, do not come with a warranty, and are not eligible for returns, refunds, or exchanges.